Swiss Personalized Health Network Cohort Consortium


SPHN Website
SPHN Data Coordination Center
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Harmonization Initiatives

Acronym Name Variables

Summary Statistics

No graphics available

Individual Studies

Acronym Name Study design Countries Variables

Participating Networks

Acronym Name Harmonization Initiatives Individual Studies

Areas of Information Collected

Socio-demographic and economic characteristics 9
Death 6
Lifestyle and behaviours 8
Physical measures and assessments 9
Birth, pregnancy and reproductive health history 9
Laboratory measures 8
Perception of health, quality of life, development and functional limitations 9
Cognition, personality and psychological measures and assessments 4
Diseases 9
Life events, life plans, beliefs and values 4
Symptoms and signs 8
Preschool, school and work life 4
Medication and supplements 9
Social environment and relationships 4
Non-pharmacological interventions 9
Physical environment 4
Health and community care services utilization 8
Administrative information 9

Variables Content Summary

Areas of Information Collected
No Areas of Information Collected
No Scales Collected
Areas of Information Collected per per Study
No Areas of Information Collected
No Scales Collected
Last Update: 2024-10-11T11:35:33.710